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Arrow Icon

Click “Join Waitlist.”

Note List Icon

Choose your passes/items.

Check Icon

If inventory frees up, you’ll be charged in full automatically, and they’re yours!

Once you know what you’re getting yourself into, let's get this party rolling.

Join the Waitlist


Info icon


  • The waitlist will open for items as they are sold out.
  • Orders are filled “first come, first served.”
  • There is no way to see your place in line.
  • Joining the waitlist does not guarantee passes or camping for the event and are subject to availability.
Tag icon


  • Waitlist pricing for items is 'dynamic' and adjusts according to market supply & demand.
  • Your waitlist order total will display based on your selected items.
  • Once you submit your request your price will not change.
  • If/once your waitlist request becomes fulfilled your selected payment method will be charged automatically the remaining balance of your order.
  • Each waitlist item type requires a $15 deposit (e.g., 4 admissions passes + 1 RV spot = $30 deposit).
  • If your order is fulfilled, your deposit will apply to the order total.
  • If your order can’t be filled, your deposit will be refunded 7–10 after the festival concludes.
  • There are no payment plan options for waitlist orders.
Mailbox icon


  • You’ll be sent an email from AXS if your order is fulfilled.
  • Be sure to check your order status on FanAccount! Stagecoach/AXS is not responsible for failed, blocked, misdelivered or bounced email delivery.
  • It's your responsibility to make sure your payment method is valid & has sufficient funds and not be expired. Credit card is recommended over debit card.
    • There is no notification upon a failed charge attempt.
  • Failed charge attempts may or may not be tried again at a later date. You will lose your place in line. You may lose your chance for fulfillment.
exit Icon


  • To leave the waitlist, cancel your request(s) via FanAccount.
  • You must cancel any request you do not want fulfilled. There are no reversals of orders filled.*
Bell icon


  • Everyone camping needs a festival pass!
  • Don’t sign up multiple times for the same item—it will not improve your odds.
  • There are strict order limits. Review the rules to ensure your order is not canceled!*
  • Your order will be filled only if inventory is available for every item in your order.
  • $15 Delivery fee per order added at check out. (Domestic or International shipping or will call).
  • All sales are final. Orders cannot be canceled or changed once they’re processed.


*Limit (5) Lot 8 reserved/Yee Haw reserved OR (1) RV lot 10, lot 5, lot 7 OR (4) Lake Eldorado or (1) Car Camping site per billing, household or customer ticketing account. Exceeding the limit will result in order cancellation at any time, without notice.

Plans changed? See if your passes are eligible to offer back to fans on the waitlist.

If inventory is needed, the return option will open.


Arrow Icon

Click “Start Your Return” and log in.

Ticket Icon

Go to “Your Tickets” & choose the order with the passes you want to return.

Arrow Icon

Click “Return” and then “Get Started.”

Check Icon

Check the box beside each pass you want to return.*

Box Icon

Follow the prompts to complete your return.


Box Icon


  • There is no guarantee passes can be returned. If there’s no checkbox next to a ticket/pass, there’s no demand for it, meaning you cannot return this item at this time. Try checking back later.
  • Your return price is dynamic, based on demand.
  • You’ll see the return price before you agree to it!
  • Once demand is satisfied the return option will be removed until there is further demand.
Tag icon


  • Tickets/passes must be paid in full to be returned.
  • You can still try to return a ticket/pass after it arrives in the mail. If the return is successful, the ticket/pass will be voided and can be discarded.
  • There is no guarantee that passes can be returned.
  • Please note, once you complete the return request, you cannot cancel the return.
  • If you return your RV spot, you will not have access to the RV presale for 2026
Mailbox icon


  • You will be sent an email from AXS once your return is in progress.
    • Please allow up to 7 business days for your return to be processed.
  • You’ll receive a second email once your return and refund have been processed.
    • It can take 7–10 business days for your refund to appear in your account.
Question Icon


  • Why is there no return option for my ticket? It’s sold out, and there is a waitlist. Why can’t I return my paid-in-full item?

    Currently only RV Sites are available for return. We may already have enough inventory to fill current waitlist orders of other items. Check back to see if/when we start accepting more returns.

  • My friends joined the waitlist weeks/months ago and have not gotten an order yet, and I want to return my order but the return option is not there. (And yes, it’s paid in full already.) What’s going on?

    We may have already accepted enough returns to fill the current waitlist requests, but it takes time to process all requests. Have your friend double-check their card to make sure it’s not expired and funds are available. Then, check back later to see if/when we start accepting more returns.

  • Where can I see how much money I will get back for my return?

    The price will be displayed prior to you submitting your return request. Visit your FanAccount to see your return options and pricing.

  • If I return my RV spot, will I still have access to the presale in the future?

    If you return your RV spot, you will not have access to the RV presale for 2026.


For help with your Waitlist Request/order, please contact AXS order support.
Live Chat Available!
Mon - Fri 8am-10pm + Sat & Sun 12pm-10pm CST