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If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call (888) 226-0076 for assistance. Please note, this number is for accessibility issues and is not a ticketing hotline.

General Questions

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  • Where can I find help with my passes?

    AXS Order Support

    For help with your order/account, please contact AXS order support:

    Mon - Fri: 8am-10pm CST
    Sat - Sun: 12pm-10pm CST

    Live Chat available.

  • What's the best time* to arrive?

    Arrive early to allow for possible traffic and security search at the entrance. Please try to carpool. Busiest time with the longest wait is usually 4pm-7pm on Friday and Saturday—expect delays. Visit General Info for festival hours.

    *All times are subject to change.

  • Will you be posting set times in advance?

    Yes. Set times will be posted on our website before the festival. Times will also be in the Stagecoach App.

  • What are you doing to ensure my health & safety at Stagecoach?

    Please visit our Health & Safety page.

  • How hot will it get during the day (and how cold will it be at night)?

    Click here for the Coachella Valley 10-day weather forecast.

  • I'm a reporter/photographer. Who do I arrange a photo pass or press pass through?

    Please visit our Contact Page, and look under Press Inquiries.

  • How can I get information about having a booth at Stagecoach?

    Please visit our contact page for more information.

  • Are you hiring people to work or volunteer at the event?

    As much as we appreciate your interest, we are not able to have volunteers. To review Goldenvoice Job opportunities, please visit our company job listings here.

  • Can I conduct a Stagecoach Festival promotion/giveaway to promote my website/product/event?

    No. The Stagecoach Festival trademarks, intellectual property, passes and wristbands may NOT be used for advertising, promotions, contests, sweepstakes, or any commercial purpose. The only exception is for the festival’s official sponsors (and even they need formal written authorization from the festival’s producers).

  • Are there lockers at the festival?

    Yes, visit our lockers page for details.

  • Is there WIFI at the festival?

    Yes, you can find free #StagecoachWiFi around these areas:

    • 12 Peaks bars
    • HonkyTonk Bar
    • Merch area
    • Terrace Food areas
    • Beer Barn
    • Bud Light Backyard Bar
    • Rhinestone Saloon (Rhinestone & Corral pass holders)
    • Corral Saloon (Corral pass holders)
    • Camping General Store
    • Camping Activities area
    • Rideshare Lot

    Subject to change

  • Are there breast pump stations?

    Need a place to pump and store? We got you covered! BYOP (Bring Your Own Pump (Manual, Battery Operated, Or Powered Devices) to select medical tents for an exclusive pumping & feeding space. All locations will have power for electric pumps as well as washing stations (non-potable water) with soap and sanitizing wipes. Refrigeration capabilities will be available in select medical tents in venue and in camping. (Exact refrigeration locations include Lobby Medical, Citrus Courtyard Medical, Mojave Palomino Medical, and Camping Medical)

    Check festival maps for medical locations.

  • Are credit cards accepted?

    In 2025, we’re accepting credit cards, and we’re thrilled to have American Express as our official payment partner.

  • Do you accept cash and debit card?

    Only credit or debit card accepted at Food & Beverage and official Merchandise locations.

  • Will there be gender neutral restrooms available?

    Yes, Gender Neutral restrooms will be available and may be used by any person regardless of gender identity or expression.

  • Will there be flushable toilets and sinks available?

    OMG YES! We have over 300 fully flushable toilets and sinks along with hundreds more regularly cleaned porta potties.

  • Wow, there are lots of artists performing! Will I see all of them?

    There is no guarantee. Many artists will be performing at the same time and some areas will have limited capacities. You should plan accordingly and arrive early if there’s a particular performer you really want to see. Also, the lineup is always subject to change (whether due to volcanoes or any other reason).

  • How do I ask a question I don't see answered on this website?

    Please email info@stagecoachfestival.com with any questions not addressed on this website.

  • Is re-entry allowed?

    Please review General Festival Info.

What Can I Bring?

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  • Can I bring a chair or blanket inside the venue? What kind of chairs are OK?


    Not Allowed:

  • Can I bring an umbrella or parasol?

    Sorry, no umbrellas that block the view of other festival goers. You wouldn’t want someone with an umbrella blocking your view either, right?

    You can bring a small parasol as long as you are courteous to other festival goers. Parasols will not deflect water as an umbrella does. Most parasols are made of paper and a light wood as bamboo not metal and water resistant material. If it falls into the dimensions of 23" long / 32" wide opened it's good. Also must be non-metal stemmed handle and scoping pole. Lightweight wood such as bamboo is ok.

  • How do I bring in my prescription medicine?

    All medical prescriptions must be in their original containers with labels that match the holder’s legal ID.

  • How do I bring my insulin?

    Please identify yourself to security before entering the venue. Security will locate medical staff to assist you in providing a secure area to store your insulin.

  • What about medically required food, supplements and other equipment and supplies?

    All medical items that are not available for purchase on site, including food, may be brought in. You may be asked to provide an official doctor’s note and/or prescription detailing the necessity of the item.

  • Can I bring naloxone with me?

    Yes, Naloxone is permitted for personal use.

  • How big is a medium backpack? / How will this be enforced? What about purses?

    A medium backpack should be no bigger than 18″ tall, 13″ wide and 8″ thick packed. Bags will have to fit into a box of that size (similar to the system used at airports). If your bag doesn’t fit in the box, it won’t be allowed inside the venue. Purses or handbags are OK (no larger than 12”x6”x12”)

  • What is considered a professional camera? What camera’s are OK?

    Professional cameras such as DSLRs, bridge cameras or any devices with detachable lenses are not allowed.

    Cameras can be refused at security discretion upon entry.

    Non-Professional cameras such as film photo cameras (analog photography), disposable, point-and-shoot, cell phones or polaroids are OK.

    See prohibited examples here.

  • Where can I find out what other items are allowed or prohibited in the venue?

    Please visit our General Info page to view the full ALLOWED and NOT ALLOWED items list.

  • Are strollers allowed in the venue?

    Yes. But, only if it’s for an infant or toddler. No Wagons allowed, including wagon strollers.

  • Can I bring an umbrella or parasol?

    Sorry, no umbrellas that block the view of other festival goers. You wouldn’t want someone with an umbrella blocking your view either, right?

    You can bring a small parasol as long as you are courteous to other festival goers. Parasols will not deflect water as an umbrella does. Most parasols are made of paper and a light wood as bamboo not metal and water resistant material. If it falls into the dimensions of 23" long / 32" wide opened it's good. Also must be non-metal stemmed handle and scoping pole. Lightweight wood such as bamboo is ok.

    Allowed Umbrellas


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  • I need a place to stay! What can I do?

    Don’t give up. Our friends at Valley Music Travel provide official Travel Packages for Stagecoach, bundling Festival Passes with hotel accommodations and roundtrip shuttle transportation.

  • I have questions about my Hotel Package. Who can I contact?

    Please contact Valley Music Travel directly for all your Hotel Package, Shuttle or Safari camping questions.

    10AM – 6PM ET, Monday - Friday



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  • I locked my keys in my car! My car won't start! Will there be a tow truck or AAA on site?

    There will be a tow truck and AAA standing by. Please visit the nearest info kiosk.

  • Where is my nearest bus stop?

    If you are taking public transit, the nearest bus stop is in downtown Indio, about 3 miles from the venue. However, Valley Music Travel sells our Stagecoach Shuttle Passes to bring you on site all weekend. CLICK HERE for info.

  • Where is the nearest gas station?

    The closest gas stations are both located on Hwy 111 at Monroe St. and Jefferson St. (approximately 3.6 miles away).

  • Where is a friend & parent pick up/drop off point?

    The friend & family pick up/drop off point is located near Avenue 52 and Madison St. Please refer to festival maps released before the event for exact location.

  • Where do motorcycles park?

    Motorcycle parking is located in the same lot as Accessibility (ADA). Do not park in such a way that takes up an entire space for a single motorcycle.

  • Can we ride bicycles to the festival? Where do we lock them?

    Yes! Check the Parking Map posted a few days before the festival for exact location of the bike racks. Park at your own risk. Do not lock your bike against any fencing or unauthorized objects. It will be removed and considered surrendered.

  • Is there somewhere to rent a bicycle nearby?

    Yes. We recommend that you try here.

My Order - Passes / Wristbands / Payment

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  • How do I check on my order? / How do I contact the ticketing company?

    AXS Order Support

    For help with your order/account, please contact AXS order support:

    Mon - Fri: 8am-10pm CST
    Sat - Sun: 12pm-10pm CST

    Live Chat available.

    Login to your Stagecoach FanAccount here

  • How do I update/change my shipping address?

    The last day to update your shipping address is 3/5/25.

    To ensure your address is up to date, please log into your account HERE with the account used to purchase and follow the steps below.

    • Once logged in, click on "Orders" on the left hand side.
    • Click on the order you would like to check or make changes to.
    • Scroll all the way down to Shipping Details and click the "Edit" under your current shipping address to make changes.
    • When adding a new address, be sure to press "UPDATE" to save all changes.

    For help with your order/account, please contact AXS order support:
    Mon - Fri: 8am-10pm CST
    Sat - Sun: 12pm-10pm CST
    Live Chat available.

    For all shipping/delivery details and rules, please review our GETTING YOUR ORDER page.

  • How do I change/update my credit card?

    For help with your order/account, please contact AXS order support:

    Mon - Fri: 8am-10pm CST
    Sat - Sun: 12pm-10pm CST

    Live Chat available.

  • Can I pay off my payment plan early?

    For help with your order/account, please contact AXS order support:

    Mon - Fri: 8am-10pm CST
    Sat - Sun: 12pm-10pm CST

    Live Chat available.

  • I didn't get an order confirmation, help!

    For help with your order/account, please contact AXS order support:

    Mon - Fri: 8am-10pm CST
    Sat - Sun: 12pm-10pm CST

    Live Chat available.

  • I bought order insurance, how do I contact them?

    If you purchased insurance on your order please contact XCover to inquire.

  • How do I register or get help registering my wristband?

    Download & Install the Stagecoach Mobile app on your iOS or Android device.

    Register Your Wristband

    • Wristband registration required!
    • Download our mobile app to register yours.
    • Your unique 6 letter code is on the underside of the RFID badge.
    • Register your wristband before applying it onto your wrist.
    • Registration can only be done ONE time, no changes.
    • Registering your wristband secures your investment and helps with a smooth entrance to the festival.
    • Please note, upon registering it will say successful. There is no follow up confirmation email.
    • Opt in for SMS for special offers, perks and updates from Stagecoach.
    • Each person attending registers the wristband they will be wearing.

    Need Help? Contact AXS order support https://support.axs.com/

  • How and when do I put on my wristband?

    Wristband Info
    For the safety and comfort of festival attendees, staff and local residents, your Stagecoach pass is a high security wristband. Each wristband contains RFID encrypted technology that will be scanned upon entrance to camping and the festival grounds. As part of this system, everyone is required to wear a wristband within a mile perimeter of the site. Police check points are stationed outside of the festival perimeter. Festival goers cannot pass through the police vehicle checkpoints without a properly applied wristband.

    Wristband Application

    • Put on your wristband before arriving at the festival.
    • Slip untightened wristband over your RIGHT wrist.
    • Hold onto the tail of the wristband and slide the closure toward your wrist to tighten the wristband.
    • DO NOT over-tighten the wristband. Leave ONE INDEX FINGER distance of space between your wrist and the wristband for comfort and security.
    • The closure slides one-way and CANNOT BE LOOSENED once the wristband is fitted to your wrist. You only get one shot at this so we suggest that you seek the help of another person when applying the wristband.
    • There will be a fee for any wristbands that need to be replaced due to being applied incorrectly.
    • Do not subject your sensitive RFID wristband to the following: fire, cutting, excessive twisting, pulling, stretching or customization.
    • Your wristband won’t be affected by showering, swimming or airport screenings.
  • What is AXS Premium?

    AXS Premium gives all fans safe and easy access to high demand reserved passes at market driven prices. The price varies, adjusting according to supply & demand and are not resale tickets. AXS Premium passes are sold directly by Stagecoach through AXS and are guaranteed by the festival.

  • Why do AXS Premium prices vary?

    AXS Premium prices are adjusted according to customer demand and the number of passes still available, similar to how airline tickets and hotel rooms are sold. This allows customers direct access to guaranteed passes at prices that are closer to their true value.

  • What do my Premium Seats and Reserved Camping Spots get me?

    Premium Seats and RV Spots for each pass type do not include extra amenities on top of what is listed within each description.

  • I have a question/issue with AXS Premium that is not answered here.

    AXS Premium customer support is standing by for you. Visit support.axs.com and they will get right back to you. You can also call 7 days a week 8:00am-10:00pm CST at 888-929-7849. For more details and FAQs on Premium Seating, please click here.

GA Lockers

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  • Where are the GA lockers or GA locker check-in tent?

    Both are located inside the venue. We will post a 2025 map to show you the exact location or you can head to an info kiosk for directions. They’ll also be available in the mobile app.

  • What info do you collect?

    We’ll have your name and email when we scan your mobile ticket at check-in. We’ll allow you to add a friend’s name and email to the reservation on site as well.

  • What do I need to bring to the festival to receive my locker access?

    Please bring your phone and we’ll scan the AXS Mobile ID digital locker pass from your Stagecoach app or the AXS App (iOS and Android). Your mobile ticket will be available in either app before the first day of the festival. If you have any troubles, please contact lockers@stagecoachfestival.com

  • How do I get my GA locker ticket?

    You will be sent an AXS Mobile ID digital locker pass. Please note, your pass will be scanned at locker check in from the Stagecoach app or the AXS App (iOS and Android).

  • Do you guarantee to hold my GA locker reservation?

    Yes. We will hold your locker reservation throughout the entire festival until you claim it.

  • Will you explain the GA locker deposit?

    Let’s use the Medium Locker as an example. The ticketing company charges $84. You bring the scannable ticket to locker check-in. You tell our staff what your combination is, they write it down and set up the combo lock for you and you’re on your way to use the locker. When you return the combo lock to us you immediately receive $10 back. Your net total cost for the Medium Locker for three days is $74. You’ll leave the festival with $10 in your pocket – gas money for the drive home.

  • I hate lines...?

    We all hate lines. Help us help you quicker by coming with your mobile ticket ready to be scanned. When it’s time to go home, all combo lock deposit refunds are issued quickly. Just return the combo lock to the lockers team and we’ll refund your deposit. No forms, no IDs, no complications. Sometimes there’s a line, but it moves fast, and it won’t take long to get your money.

  • Will I be able to use the GA locker any time I want?

    You must have a festival wristband to access the lockers during show hours. When the event is over each night, the grounds are closed, and you will not be able to access the lockers until the following day.

  • Can I pay for GA lockers at the event?

    Maybe. There is a limited supply of GA lockers – and all of them are available online in advance. Every GA locker will probably be reserved online before the festival begins. No one knows for sure. If the lockers sell out online, as they have for the past many years, there won’t be any GA lockers available to rent at the festival – unless someone cancels at the last minute.

  • If I can't make it to the festival or don't need my locker reservation, can I get a refund?

    You must contact us via email by one week before the Friday of your festival weekend. Please email lockers@stagecoachfestival.com with your original order confirmation number and reason for your refund request. Refunds will not be processed on site - you must email us in advance. Please do not sell or purchase a locker to/from a third party as the locker will not be redeemable onsite. 

  • What happens if I lose my combo lock?

    If you lose the combo lock, you will forfeit the refundable $10 deposit. You will receive a new combo lock and will need to pay another refundable $10 deposit. Once you return the new combo lock, you will receive the second deposit back. If you find your “lost” combo lock and can unlock it, you’ll receive your original deposit back too.

  • Can I change my clothes in your locker GA tent?

    Yes, we’ve got you covered.

  • Do I bring my own padlock?

    No! You cannot use your own lock. You must use the lock provided by us. There is no additional charge for the use of our lock.

  • If someone had a GA locker at a previous festival, will the same combination open my GA locker this weekend?

    No. The combinations are changed for every festival.

Corral Charging Lockers

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  • If I am a Rhinestone Saloon or GA Pass holder, can I purchase a Corral Charging Locker?

    Unfortunately, Corral Charging Lockers are exclusively for rent by Corral Standing or Corral Reserved Seating Pass holders. This is because the Corral lockers are located in the Corral Saloon at the festival.

  • Why buy a Corral Charging Locker?

    Corral Charging Lockers provide a place for you and your friends to store your freshly scored merchandise, jackets, bags and more - while also providing a charging place for phones, battery banks, and other devices - all without having to leave the Corral Saloon! Each locker is equipped with a 3-in-1 USB charging cable that features USB-C, Lightning (Apple) and Micro USB connectors to charge devices during festival hours. You'll enjoy freedom with your locker throughout festival hours and come and go as you please. Please do not store perishable foods or beverages inside the lockers.

  • What is a ‘charging locker’?

    Each locker includes one, 3 in 1 USB charging cable that features USB-C, Lightning cable (Apple) and micro USB connectors, so you do not need to bring your own cables. You may charge devices that use these connectors securely in your locker during festival hours. For optimal charging speeds, we do not recommend charging more than one device at a time.

  • Where are the Corral Charging Lockers or Corral locker check-in tent?

    Both are located inside the Corral Saloon area adjacent to the Stagecoach Mane Stage. We'll post a venue map closer to the show that highlights the location, or you can head to any Info Kiosk onsite for directions.

  • How do I get my Corral Charging Locker ticket?

    You will receive an AXS Mobile ID digital locker pass during the week of the festival. The pass will be available through the AXS App (iOS and Android). If you have any troubles, please contact lockers@stagecoachfestival.com

  • What do I need to bring to the festival to receive access to my Corral Charging Locker?

    By purchasing a Corral Charging Locker ahead of time, you will be sent an email 1-2 days prior to the festival weekend, which will include details on your chosen locker location and information regarding your locker reservation. In this email, you will receive your locker number as well as the combination to the lock which will already be on your locker. If you've received this email, you do not need to check in with a locker attendant and can head straight to your locker! If you did not receive this email - on the day of your reservation, please proceed to the appropriate locker location with your AXS Mobile ID pass for your Corral Charging Locker or a government-issued ID, identification card or passport matching your order confirmation to check-in. You will be issued a wristband with your locker number and lock combination. It's crucial to keep this wristband safe, as it grants you access to your locker.

  • What happens if I lose my locker information?

    We understand that accidents happen. If you lose your locker information, head to the Corral Charging Locker location with your AXS Mobile ID, ID, identification card or passport matching your order confirmation. We will verify your order and issue you a wristband with your locker information on it. For security purposes, we will also change the lock combination on your locker.

  • Do you guarantee to hold my Corral Charging Locker reservation?

    Yes. We will hold your locker reservation throughout the entire festival until you claim it.

  • Will I be able to use the Corral Charging Locker any time I want?

    You must have a festival Corral Reserved Seating or Corral Standing Pass to access the Corral lockers during show hours. When the event is over each night, the venue is closed, and you will not be able to access the lockers until the following day.

  • Can I pay for a Corral Charging Locker at the event?

    Maybe. There is a limited supply of lockers – and all of them are available online in advance. Every locker will probably be reserved online before the festival begins. 

  • If I can't make it to the festival or don't need my Corral Charging Locker reservation, can I get a refund?

    You must contact us via email by one week before the Friday of the festival weekend. Please email lockers@stagecoachfestival.com with your original order confirmation number and reason for your refund request. Refunds will not be processed on site - you must email us in advance. Please do not sell or purchase a Corral locker to/from a third party as the locker will not be redeemable onsite. 

  • I am a Corral Standing or Corral Reserved Seating Pass holder who bought a GA locker. Is it possible to swap it for a Corral Charging Locker?

    Yes, pending availability. If this is needed, please reach out to us by March 1st, 2025 at lockers@stagecoachfestival.com. Please note that the GA Lockers and Corral Charging Lockers have different sizes and amenities. Be sure to read the dimensions and other details prior to purchase.

  • Can I change my clothes in your Corral locker tent?

    Yes, we’ve got you covered.

  • I have a disability and cannot access the bottom or top rows of the Corral Charging Lockers.

    Please send an email to lockers@stagecoachfestival.com. We will ensure we place you in a locker in an accessible location.

  • If someone had a Corral Charging Locker at a previous festival, will the same combination open my Corral locker this weekend?

    No. The combinations are changed for every festival.


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